Bringing Local Farmers Right to your Table

Our Markets

Phasellus venenatis felis risus, eu dapibus risus elementum ut. Aliquam gravida sapien sed mauris efficitur dignissim. Duis viverra, mi ut sodales laoreet, magna libero interdum augue, eu cursus erat mi quis arcu. Morbi accumsan metus a porta volutpat. Quisque quis blandit velit. Donec volutpat purus nec diam eleifend, eget mattis sapien gravida. 

Lellis Farmers Market

Saturdays (8am – 2pm), Alameda, CA

 Aliquam gravida sapien sed mauris efficitur dignissim.  

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Jonh Farmers Market

Saturdays (8am – 2pm), Alameda, CA

 Aliquam gravida sapien sed mauris efficitur dignissim.  

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Lisa Farmers Market

Saturdays (8am – 2pm), Alameda, CA

 Aliquam gravida sapien sed mauris efficitur dignissim.  

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100% Organic

Certified Organic

Farmers we produce certified organic vegetables and have been delivering them to the convenience of your home or work since 2000.
Count on us, your internet greengrocer!

Farmers we produce certified organic vegetables and have been delivering them to the convenience of your home or work since 2000.
Count on us, your internet greengrocer!





Fast Support


Be super welcome !

We are a family business and we produce organics in the city .
Most of what we sell are grown with great care on our property by professional hands and monitoring by an organic farming specialist.
Our property has been certified
We are members of APROATE (Associação de Produtores Orgânicos do Alto Tietê) and work in partnership with some of the members. In this way, we build a network of mutual support among producers, resulting in a greater variety of products for our customers to choose from.

Certified Organic

Ecological bags

Shopping Application

Make a Donation to Support Your Local Farmers & Sustainable Agriculture