Come feel the emotion of driving a Kart! View all tracks wall of fame Price list Per pilot 200 Kaets Own Adults Donec sagittis sodales condimentum Donec sagittis sodales condimentum Donec sagittis sodales condimentum Per pilot 160 (7 to 12 years old) Donec sagittis sodales condimentum Donec sagittis sodales condimentum Donec sagittis sodales condimentum Cadet karts 180 Per pilot Donec sagittis sodales condimentum Donec sagittis sodales condimentum Donec sagittis sodales condimentum Bring your key customers, employees, suppliers, and friends together for a fun and exciting event, with adrenaline and great service. Professional Infrastructure In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce congue tellus elit, in varius neque laoreet ut. Fusce id odio leo. Vestibulum faucibus lobortis ex. Phasellus risus neque, pharetra eget commodo ac, vehicula id felis. Pellentesque posuere dui eu felis sodales iaculis. Donec tempor volutpat euismod. Phasellus ut turpis urna. Etiam ac tincidunt quam. Sed mattis felis aliquam, mattis dolor sed, pharetra arcu. Morbi vitae dolor in sapien placerat mollis et sit amet arcu. Nam suscipit condimentum sodales. Sed quis pretium ex. Etiam a fermentum neque, ac venenatis leo motorcycle 95% Drift 88% Super kart 100% Gallery We have the flexibility to adapt to the format you prefer. Before the race, the drivers are directed to the Briefing Room, where they watch an instructional video and can also clarify their questions with a member of our team. 1 Arthur 5:33:98 12.08.2035 2 Noah 5:35:97 8.09.2035 3 Archie 5:33:92 7.07.2035 4 Charlie 5:33:91 4.09.2035 5 George 5:33:88 12.09.2035 Feel the adrenaline! Before the race, the drivers are directed to the Briefing Room, where they watch an instructional video and can also clarify their questions with a member of our team. READ MORE