Welcome to the Therapist Therapist and its various areas, Learn about our courses! Holistic therapy courses teach students both scientific and practical knowledge. Since many elements of the course originate from the East, students have contact with other cultures. After all, holistic is also a philosophy of life, bringing together all parts of the human being. In short, students in the course will learn techniques based on energy manipulation and habit improvement. In addition, students will also learn trigger point relief and relaxation methods. Depending on the course chosen, and in addition to conventional treatments, the benefits are remarkable Our Courses Family Constellation Duration 10Week 198 Chromotherapy Duration 10Week 50 Mindfulness Duration 10Week 60 Our Services Cras feugiat consectetur mauris. Suspendisse mi felis, convallis vitae orci at, fringilla mollis leo. View Detail Personality Assessment Personality Adults Psychotherapy What modalities do you have? It has several alternative therapies with the intention of taking care of people’s health. Reiki Family Constellation Chromotherapy Mindfulness Massotherapy Integral Care It has several alternative therapies with the intention of taking care of people’s health. Therefore, the Therapy course has the purpose of instructing people to take better care of their health. Aromatherapy Yoga Meditation Access Bars Acupuncture Benefits aids to medical treatments, improving the results of normal treatments decrease in symptoms of anxiety, depression, stress, and Burnout syndrome; Disabled People Psychoanalysis Ethics Psychology and Health Research methodology About Us Why are we the best in the market? Phasellus lacus lorem, vulputate quis rutrum sit amet, ultricies id ante. Morbi eget erat neque. Mauris pulvinar tristique tristique. Chromotherapy 99% Therapeutic 89% Mindfulness 90% Testimonials What people say about us "Nam quis posuere quam. Donec in sapien condimentum, interdum ipsum et, efficitur diam. Donec eu mauris id augue consectetur vulputate ut non nisi. Fusce mollis rhoncus porta. " John Green "Nulla pharetra quam ac nisl ullamcorper egestas. Sed gravida, quam quis vulputate consequat, ex lorem rhoncus lorem, id commodo tellus justo tempus tellus. Etiam sit amet laoreet ex, quis auctor erat.." Anna Mary